i miss boon lay sec!
i wished i was different back then . i mean..i kind of wasted my life in secondary sch. not having girlfrens..being so quiet in class..and being so nerdy..haha. i still remembered my first crush..and i was dumb enuf to ignore her when she ardy likes me just because mid year exam was ard the corner. then there was my first time saying the meaningful 3 words to a girl face to face. i was mighty proud when i did that..but yea..nothing happens after that. it was meaningless to her. who cares...its over. then i came to know this very special person named Muhd Rafie. did'nt know he was my neighbour back then. he is the person who reminds me of Allah..and that is the bestest friend someone can have. syukur.
then i remembered surya asking me to join draga..and i was abit hesistant..because..i was not good at soccer. but yea..i joined. i came for my first training in long pants..everyone kind of giving me the 'apehal sey ni budak main bola pakai sluar panjang " look. lesson learnt..and i wore shorts for the next trg. this is where i met hanis and the gang. honestly..my life changed after hanging around with them after some times..in a good way i mean. i had a more enjoyable and meaningful life after that.