Final year project completed. That marks the end of studying in SP. The excitement was just for a moment. Reality kicks in and I have to plan what I want to do in life. Oh well simple, get married and live life like a Muslim.
I have submitted my application for NTU, hoping to get the NIE degree scholarship. So right now, my plan is to become a teacher! Why? I believe that teaching is a fulfilling job, it teaches you to be patient and how to manage different kinds of behaviour. I have experienced a 1 month teaching attachment programme and I really enjoyed it. Whatever it is, I have planned and Allah swt will decide :)
So what has happened so far. Right now I am helping out my mum in her stall, cutting the vegetables and all that kitchen stuffs. Quite girlish but I don't mind. Thinking of it, I would be able to help my future wife to prepare the ingredients when she cooks for the family (:
Hais. I just wanna get married fast.