so, school term starts next week. had orientation last monday, and i found out that...my course only got 5 guys out of 48 students. something to be happy about? hope so..haha. while my other sp friends in the engineering course are whining bcos their course have only 2 -3 girls. haha..ok2..so what..its not about the girls right? its about our diploma cert when we leave sp in 3 years time, InsyaAllah.
and so..im confused right now. i don't know whether to join track and field which will eventually help me with my course , or to join the silat or dikir barat team which im really interested in. if i were to join both, then there goes my comitment for the cca. hmm..must think about this very deeply.yea..i miss my friends so much. all go to different sch..wonder how their school's life is like. hope theirs is as great or even better than mine.
one more thing, i realised that i'm an awfully shy person. seeing other students who raise their voice while i kept my voice down is somewhat frustrating. i hope i will eventually overcome this shyness in time to come...because i dont want to lose out to others just because of this fear of being criticised by others. yeah! which brings me to this question, what is the cause of shyness? to say i was the captain of jupiter and track and field team..but not a good one though. why am i still afraid to face the crowd....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
thx for reading anw...cheers! =)
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