so..in a happy mood today. had a wonderful dream last night, and it felt soo real. did not want to wake up, but have to because of training. wanna know what i dreamt? well..it involves two person in the park, seating down, having a great time, holding hands. yeaa..its just a dream beb. people say what you dream would usually happen the opposite. syirik la sume ni ehh..tak leh percaye.
Had Draga training just now..it was scorching hot beb. lucky i brought a cap.
To say, i am proud to be in Draga. the bond that is created, can never be broken, Insyaallah. soo..theres a lot of assignment waiting to be completed. lot of revision to be done. and theres dikir on monday! this is what keeps me going beb. something that makes you be grateful for life and not live by the mercy of grades, expectations and money.
so far..im doing fine in school. and i am glad i joined the malay language camp. through there, I met many wonderful and blessed people and i learned to become a better Muslim. soo..Malays coming to sp nxt yr, pls come for the Malay language camp, its worth every second of ur life. :) thats all folks..sayonara!
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