the place was at buangkok, met at 230. it was organised by sp ang ngee ann poly. haha..ok straight to the impt point. we reached IMH and was warmly welcomed by the staff there. we we briefed on what to do and what not to do with the patients. i remembered the guy telling us, if the patients asked us for money, just say we left it at home. we were brought to the patients ward. words cant express how i felt upon seeing their faces stuck on the glass door, like as if the ward was a volcano and the patients are the lava that is gonna blow out of the volcano at any moment. we sanitised our hands and entered the room. man..the patients straight away offered us a handshake. some were shouting at the top of their lungs.."hello!" most of them were old..but their expression and happiness upon seeing us made them look as though they were toddlers who is excited upon seeing a new toy.
we shook hands with most of the patient...then we started with our activity. first was, we played "passing the balloon game" whoever holds the balloon when the music stops, have to come to the center and do a forfeit. hahah..and the guy before me wanted to sabo me. wth..i just snatch the balloon away from think about im quite mean seh. haha..he was a patient there by the way :)
then we move to the next activity. we gathered around a table and taught them how to make rabbits out of a hankerchief! some of them..they had trembling hands..i dunno whats the medical term..but its a kind of abnormality. they had soo fun much doing these stuff. some were laughing all the way. i made one rabbit and gave to the uncle im closest with me on that day. he sang "kamelia" by ramli sarip..hahah..soo hilarious!
we sang..sat down, watch mr bean the movie. had small talks. mann..its an experience i will never forget. i take this opportunity, to share with you what i really felt on that day. to those who has a perception that IMH is only a place for crazy people..think again. its more that a mental institute. its a place where these people whom were not given care and love by their family members who cant afford to tahan their behaviour and they were placed there, some till their last breathe. some were even sent there since the 60s. imagine their emptiness..even a stranger visiting them..could bring soo much joy and happiness. how heartless can mankind be. and we say we are lonely when we dont have bf or gf....may Allah place all these patients in the glorious Jannah after so much pain and suffering in dunia..amin.

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