Then, my mum asked, "kambing mane? tk bwk balek?" haha. i just said i did'nt even took a glance of the goats. then she asked me to follow my uncle to collect the distributed goat meat. haiya..i was about to fall asleep with my full stomach. so i followed my uncle to mosque.
At the mosque..there was along queue, all want to collect the meat. in my mind i said, the goat is not even sacrificed yet and there's ardy a long queue..haha, kiasu people. i followed my uncle to the back of the mosque to see the goats. i was mesmerised by the scene. all the imams and ustaz together with the volunteers was there getting ready to sacrifice the goats.
i stood behind one of the gates and watched as the goats were sacrificed. It was really a gruesome scene for first timer like me. but then, i wanted to be part of them, to be there to help out with the ibadah korban. so i approached one of the staff at the gate whether i can enter and help. he said its only for volunteers. felt disappointed. Then, my uncle came by. My uncle used to be the person who sacrificed the he was well-known there. then he recommend the uncle to take me as a volunteer! haha..i was so happy when i stepped into the slaughtering ground. i was assigned to hold the goat when is it about to be sacrificed.
It could'nt get much better when i was assigned to one of my favourite imam of al khair. He was so cheerful and gave me a lot of tips and facts about sacrificing the goats. then, comes the goat on my table. i quickly grab hold of its feet. then i laid my arms on the body. the sheep was shivering. yelling some things which sounded like "help help."
So, firstly, the person who paid for the goat, was called into the slaughtering ground. and were asked whether it is a korban or aqiqah. then a tag was placed on the goat's right leg. then, the person is asked whether he want to korban the goat himself or allow the imam to do so. so yea..the imam was given the permission to slaughter the goat on behalf of the person's name. so here it starts. Hj Sunni, felt for the windpipe or something on the goat's neck. then he held it. before piercing through the neck, he set his niat first. then he recite, "Bismillahi Allahu Akbar!"
the people holding the goat recited the takbir together. The blood from the neck would spurt out like a fountain. once, the blood spurted on the side of my face. the blood is quite warm... during this period, some goat were forcing away like mad and we have to use all our strength to hold the goat. some died peacefully, with little movement from them. So yea..everything went smoothly. Hope you had a better Aidiladha than me..take care!
here are some pictures

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