November 10, 2010


Lets just say whatever happens in your life, its meant for you. Because everyone is special in their own ways. Regardless matreps, minah, or the nerd guy in your class. Allah is Great, He does whatever He wants.

Dont think that the person is matrep, you are much better than him. maybe the sins that you've done is much more worse than the sins that the matreps have done. i know its naive to say this but we just have to love everyone and see ourself as the most pitiful, sinnest person in the world. Honestly, when i see bunch of matreps, i dont dare look at them in their eyes. the feeling of "fear" suddenly overpowers me that i try to avoid them. Is this right? its just that, we see them as 'higher' than us, because they dare to hurt someone without using their brains but just follow their anger.

Maybe its just that their tattoos and piercing made them look more fierce. whatever day i wish these matreps become an ustaz or something so that they can help change live with their own experience and one fine day, matreps will not exist anymore..aminnn.

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