January 29, 2012


I'm really getting tired and sick of unnecessary comments given by people. If you have nothing to say, please just zip up. Being emo shit in the social media. Just keep that feelings. I know, when the time comes, I am gonna be in that emo shit state.I dunno. My mind is all tangled up now. I am not sure if being in the committee is a burden for me. Sometimes people gives you shit when ure trying ur best.

January 23, 2012


Mungkin cerita yang disampaikan ini agak pendek, tetapi bermanfaat, InsyaAllah. Sedang berbual sambil turun tangga, mata tidak terlihat ada lecak di hadapan. Tubuh terseliuh dan diri melatar. " oh mak kau!" Teman lihat ke arahku, ingin bercerita. Dari temannya, die pon mula. Al-kisah Kalau kat expressway, lorry yang transport pasir, kalau accident, apa yang terkeluar dari Lori tu. ku jawab, pasir. Die senyum dan sambung. Kalau lorry yang transport gula, kalau accident, apa yang akan terkeluar? Ku jawab, gula. Die pon berhenti sekejap dan mengukir senyuman. Begitulah manusia, jika hati ini sentiasa "dipenuhi" Allah, apabila kte mengalami kesusahan atau kemalangan, Kalimah Allah akan terkeluar dari mulut kita. Dan jika hati ini penuh dgn kejahilan dan kemaksiatan, mungkin, kata2 kesat akan terkeluar apabila ditimpa musibah. Renungkanlah :)

January 20, 2012

There's a reason why it's call a committee. You need to be committed. But, when situation comes at its worst, you just wished that you didn't make that mistake of committing into something you thought was possible. What I am blabering about. I know, somebody has got to do it. But, I just need that push. Sometimes, small things pushes me back. Every time I took a step forward, there's just something that pull my step back. May Allah show me guidance. Whenever I see her talking to other guys, I get jealous. It seems that I can never strike a decent conversation with her. It has been year.

January 5, 2012

head feels so heavy. some kind of a headache. Arghh!

"When you believe you are one of the good guy, step back and say to urself, you are bad enough to have the thought that you are good"

dont feel like continuing to be part of the committee next sem.
Only Allah knows why.

January 3, 2012

The first few step

Alhamdulillah, have stepped into the second semester for second year in SP. No more time to look back and regret. Just look forward and pray for the best.

Lately, time have been always on silat. I am afraid if i spend too much time in this. I dunno, it has somehow become part of my life. feels like something is wrong if i were to miss trainings. nevertheless, Allah has allowed me to meet with great friends, whom when i look upon their faces, it reminds me Allah. they made me feel, small. when i look at them, made me realise how low i am in the eyes of Allah compared to them.

some are soon to become hafiz..some just have that noble characteristic that can never been found in someone who do not have such ilmu. I believe, joining sp silat is one of the blessings of Allah s.w.t where i get to meet these people.
