this yr Ramadan like very cooling huh. rainy days. hmmmm..like Hanis said, as we grow older we start to realize that fasting is not just about abstaining ourselves from food and drinks, its about how we do it as an ibadah. preventing ourselves from following our nafsu is quite a challenge. Women wearing clothes that is mata-joloking. Guys, im sure its hard to prevent ourselves from taking a glance at them. apart from that, we take gossiping too lightly that we tend to mengumpat without realizing it. another thing is about having to control your anger. for me, i really wanna smack my brother right now. i just find him super irritating and super annoying. you can call it sibling rivalry but sometimes it comes to a point that i want him to completely disappear from my life. how i envy siblings which are very close to each other. haha i just hope my Ramadan will not be wasted on such things.
yesterday went to esplanade library to study with hanis. it was planned to be at the national library but it turns out that we cant study in the reference room. what nonsense...library so big but only a small pathetic study lounge. so yea..we went to esplanade. looking at what he is studying, i start to give second thoughts to my current course. he took culinary, which the job scope is most probably a chef. mine, there is a variety of job opportunity, like asst nutritionist, gym instructor, p.e teacher and even a cleaner. hah..of course i can be a cleaner if i want to. what he learns is very related to his course. he works mainly with food which i really like too. for me, the modules that comes with nutrition, health and wellness course is just too hard for me to handle. chemistry and maths. the two killers that drives me to quit my current course. i dunno whether im not hardworking enough or mayb im just slow in such subjects. if this semester result is pathetic like the study lounge in bras basah lib, i am thinking of changing my course. see how la ehh..its not easy to change2 course. for now i have to put in the extra effort to do well.
hmmmm..i wonder if i've went overboard. sometimes i just cant handle girls, i either freak them out or bored them to death. im slowly learning how girls think and what they expect from guys. if life comes with a manual, it would'nt be so hard. so yeaa...im looking forward for this friday and saturday. huhu ^^.
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